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Little Walter 50 Tube Amplifier & Cabinet

You're looking at a stellar Little Walter 50 tube amplifier & cabinet in a stunning sparkle blue covering. It's in very good condition and sounds remarkable. There are a marks on the cabinet where the amp head sits (as seen in the pictures) This amp was previously owned by the guitarist of Hiss Golden Messenger.

From Little Walter:
The Original Little Walter Tube Amp. This is the chassis that put us on the map. Voume, Bass Roll-Off, and Tone. This amp exemplifies the True American Tone. This is the chassis that allowed us to prove my "Phil-Osophy" The shortest signal path equals the purest tone...

This 50 watt amp was created for players to have the ability to incorporate dynamic response in their playing. You can finesse a run and accent the exact note or phrase simply by digging in... This amp is truly transparent and allows you to hear exactly what you and your instrument sound like.

This amp has the VG Tone Stack. The VG tone stack has a Bass Roll Off as well as Volume and Tone. This will allow you to achieve a bit more top end sparkle.

- 6SC7 Preamp
- 6SL7 Phase Inverter
- 6L6 Power Tubes
- 5U4 Rectifier
- 50 Watts
- 4 ohm cabinet
- Celestion G12T-75 Speaker