The Gravity Well analog tremolo/wavefolder/refractor is your sonic submersible for exploring subaquatic psychedelic netherworlds of sound. It's a dual pedal featuring a tremolo on one side and a wavefolder on the other. When both sides are active a third effect emerges, a refractor, a first-of-its-kind style of modulation effect produced by integrating the tremolo and wavefolder to rhythmically and fluidly warp and un-warp your signal, producing a dazzling variety of never-before-heard sounds and textures.
Possibilities are endless, but include analog synthesizer sounds, touch sensitive envelope filter-esque sweeps, heavy cinematic pulsing rhythms, splatty gnarly alien fuzz, ring mod like bell tones, science fiction sound fx and textures, and surfy tremolo warbles, just to name a few!
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